We Will Be Back With You On 14th August: 2021年06月17日06时 中国湖南http伕理分享 - 西拉免费伕理ip:1 天前 · 你当前的位置:西拉免费伕理IP > 伕理分享 > 2021年06月17日06时 中国湖南http伕理分享 - 西拉免费伕理ip 2021年06月17日06时 中国湖南http伕理分享 - 西拉免费伕理ip 来源: 西拉IP 作者: 张祁无 2021年6月17日 06:00 ...

We are delighted to announce that we will be re-opening the Hotel for guests on Friday 14th August.  We are as always following the Scottish Government’s announcements on the phased exit from lockdown closely, to guide us on our policies and procedures.  For more information on what we have put in place, please click HERE.

To celebrate welcoming you back, we are launching our 免费高匿伕理ip地址 just for you.  A great package to give you the opportunity to leave behind the cooking, cleaning and garden views and be pampered by our fabulous staff.  Click HERE to learn more.

Should you have a query regarding any existing or future bookings with us, please email and we will respond as soon as we can.

Whether you’re looking for a little rest and relaxation, a dinner out with friends or a picture perfect wedding venue, Stirling Court Hotel is a haven of Scottish hospitality.  Your perfect home from home, on the grounds of the University of Stirling.

Overlooked by the majesty of the Ochil Hills on one side, and the historical Wallace Monument on the other, Stirling Court Hotel boasts one of the most enviable locations in Scotland. 

Nestled into the stunning University of Stirling campus – considered to be one of the world’s most beautiful campuses – the hotel is surrounded by lush green countryside, and shares its grounds with Airthrey Castle and Loch.



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